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Data Security

Defending Against Data Breach

White Paper: Help Systems

No matter how secure your information systems appear and no matter how confident your IT staff may be, the risks of your company experiencing a data breach are real, and they continue to grow daily. Information security breaches cost companies millions of dollars each year, and incidents continue to rise. While government and industry regulations have been implemented that penalize the company if their sensitive data is compromised, protecting against the threat of data breach is difficult. Take, for example, the multiple ways unauthorized access can occur: theft of portable devices, lost paper files and external storage devices, improper access by employees, network infiltration from outside entities, and more. Data breach incidents are not a temporary statistical aberration, but instead represent a growing epidemic. Given the cost to both companies and their customers, it’s critical that IT teams develop a solid strategy that utilizes the most effective tools. This white paper has several objectives. • Examine the problems that create a higher risk for data breach. • Explore the regulatory landscape. • Describe the technical hurdles facing both management and IT. ​• Demonstrate how the right data encryption technologies can reduce the exposure of data theft without hampering efficient workflow. Most importantly, this paper offers recommendations on how IT management can deploy strong security technologies to encrypt, monitor, and audit the access and use of sensitive information within an organization’s system.

Post-Negotiated Fees: The New Competitive Weapon

White Paper: Investment Metrics

The Data Revolution in Asset Management In a shifting landscape of regulatory changes and increased M&A, fees have become a top priority for institutional investors. Asset manager fee data is more important than ever, but this information is typically obscure, with data on ‘stated’ instead of ‘actual’ fees. Improved intelligence regarding fees can lead to a strong competitive advantage. Post-negotiated fee data not only allows investors to better understand the fees they are paying, but also how those fees compare against the industry. Until now, there has been no one data source for actual, post-negotiated fees. Fee information has become a “must have” in the asset management industry amidst the ongoing push for greater transparency and comparability, and as such, asset managers will need to invest in the right technology. Data management capabilities must be increased in order to maximize distribution opportunities and cope with this new regulatory and reporting landscape. The Need for More Comprehensive and Complete Data Asset owners still have a hard time determining what they are actually paying for asset management. Asset managers have the ability to negotiate very different fee arrangements with different asset owners, which makes it difficult to determine if your fee structure is appropriate. And it has long been difficult – if not impossible – for asset owners to gain access to this data or to have the ability to compare fee structures. Fee data has typically been cobbled together from incomplete, infrequently updated sources that lack external validation. Until now, there has been no actual, true single source of post-negotiated fee data across major asset classes, investment vehicles and plan types.

Key ways to prevent data security breaches

White Paper: INFINIDAT

The extensive benefits of digital technology are clear, but the risk associated can be alarming, as massive cyber attacks and data breaches affecting the well-known organizations continue to make headlines. The issue of security is explicitly important when it comes to all-flash arrays, because external solid-state drives are more vulnerable to file-recovery attacks compared to internal drives. While most AFAs offer disk-level encryption, that is the only level of encryption they allow. If data is encrypted anywhere else,  the AFAs cannot perform data reduction and the entire economics of AFAs break. AFAs have to rely on data reduction (in a ratio between 3:1 and 6:1) to minimize the price premium to a point where it is affordable. This white paper explores how choosing a storage array that relies heavily on data reduction limits the organization’s ability to protect its data and prevent data breaches. Download the guide now to discover: What are the two key terms that IT organizations need to consider when thinking about protecting data from hackers? How are all flash arrays increasing organization's attack surface? Additional benefits of encrypting up the stack

Mitigating the insider threat risks

White Paper: ZoneFox

How can User Behaviour Analytics help secure business-critical data while protecting reputation, and sales revenue? As insider threat is the greatest risk to an organization’s security, an insider threat management program must include a robust understanding of the various profiles that fall under this threat umbrella and the motivations and situations that give rise to them. Since the hardest part of managing the insider threat is understanding it, ZoneFox provides an overview of five key insider profiles that will help organizations to start identifying and handling the insider threats more effectively. The whitepaper details about several threats including fraud, and spying, and the possible steps to minimize damages and avoid future risks. What is the use of user behavior analytics in any business? What is the impact of internal threats in an organization? Move ahead and read the following whitepaper that will address all your questions, including these: 1. What are the different types of internal threats? 2. How to define an action plan for internal threat remediation?  3. What are the reasons that can cause an internal threat? 4. What are the current approaches related to internal threat mitigation?

MiFID II / MiFIR Transaction Reporting: A Practical Guide

White Paper: Duco

One of the main criticisms of the original MiFID was that national regulators did not enforce the directive with the same zeal across Europe. The list of financial instruments covered has been extended to almost all instruments traded in European markets – with particular emphasis on the OTC derivatives market that was previously out of scope for MiFID I. The issue with making this distinction across so many different instruments is one of the main reasons why the MiFID II and MiFIR implementation date has been delayed twice from its original start date of January 2015. While regulators have not specifically outlawed the use of spreadsheets and UDAs, it is commonly accepted that under MiFID II, organizations need a much more robust and scalable approach to data control. What are the data problems that MiFIR transaction reporting requirements are likely to cause? What is the impact of the new regulations on firms? What is the cost of non-compliance? Move ahead and read the following whitepaper that will address all your questions, including these: How to identify traders or algorithms involved in the decision and execution process of a transaction? Which general fields will require extra reconciliation steps? What are the number of data fields required on transaction reports and the reporting requirements? How to trade instruments on an approved venue? Which legacy systems can be replaced and which ones are difficult to scale?

Hyper Converged Infrastructure: Data Protection Isn't a Snap

White Paper: Quantum

Hyper Converged Infrastructures (HCI) brings non-disruptive scaling, reduced complexity, and other benefits, but it requires a stronger data-protection strategy because hyper convergence brings new vulnerabilities. Hyper converged systems are a perfect target-one unique system to encrypt with a built-in replication to spread the malware. For smaller companies with relatively few virtual machines (VMs), a Hyper Converged Infrastructure solution may be the only architecture their data center needs, providing the ultimate simplification. Some critical applications can also be hosted on an HCI, but designing an HCI to meet performance service-level agreements (SLAs) might be challenging compared to designing a more traditional infrastructure. This whitepaper provides insights on data protection basics and its role in Hyper Converged Infrastructure projects. It also explains about how designing an HCI to meet performance service-level agreements (SLAs) might be challenging. From virtualized to hyper converged environments- Understand data protection basics and implications in these environments Hyper convergence- New Threats: Understand Data Protection and the Implications in an HCI How to choose the right approach for your hyper converged environments Array-Based Snapshots Are Not Backups

What it Takes To Maintain a Successful DRaaS Partnership

White Paper: Sky Data Vault

The Disaster Recovery-as-a-Service (DRaaS) market gets a lot of buzz, but end users tell us it’s hard to do. Many of the products in the market today offer a DRaaS solution in addition to, or separate from, an overall data protection strategy, often pulling the focus of IT away from their current datacenter investments and momentum. Careful and strategic development of a successful DRaaS partnership is going to play an integral role in defining the success of businesses moving forward. This whitepaper discusses: What does it take to develop and maintain a successful partnership with your DR provider? What you’ll receive out of a successful DRaaS partnership? Organizations that outsource disaster recovery say that the costs are the same as or lower than in-house solutions

The Specops Password Report: Safeguarding Passwords Against Data Breaches

White Paper: SPECOPS

Passwords are the thin layer protecting our personal information from the “unknown.” A few key proactive measures can make that layer impenetrable. Shifting some burden from individuals to password policies that promote stronger passwords is the next logical step. A proactive password security approach can go a long way for both organizations and users. Password security is a responsibility that we must embrace and act on. When knowledge is combined with action, prevention is a natural outcome. This whitepaper helps to understand the correlation between publicized password leaks and the importance of blocking such passwords when guiding organizations and individuals towards stronger password security. Key takeaways from this whitepaper: Predictable Pitfalls: A strong password takes a backseat to a memorable password Data breaches and password dictionaries: creates opportunities in the form of dictionary attacks Turning the tables: Every data breach has a silver lining

Five Best Practices For Information Security Governance

White Paper: Diligent

Today’s economy depends on the secure flow of information within and across organizations as information security is an issue of vital importance. Successful Information Security Governance doesn’t come overnight; it’s a continuous process of learning, revising and adapting. While every company may have its specific needs, securing their data is a common goal for all organizations. This whitepaper highlights the best practices and guidelines to successfully implement strategic Information Security Governance. Key takeaways from this whitepaper: What is Information Security Governance and What it is Not Importance of Information Security Governance Misconceptions about Information Security Governance Why Information Security Governance is Needed

BCBS 239 Leveraging Infrastructure

White Paper: Copal Amba

Guide to BCBS 239 compliance : Risk data aggregation and risk reporting(RDARR) BCBS 239 is a regulation that focuses on a number of issues beyond just risk data and its aggregation. This whitepaper is recommended for decision makers at banks complying with BCBS 239, and looking to explore how outsourcing/engaging third parties can help rationalize costs and mitigate the risk of overspending, as well as use the regulatory delta as a competitive advantage. This whitepaper on Risk Data Mangement covers: What is the role of BCBS 239 and risk data aggregation and risk reportingin Risk data Management Why is risk data important ? Scope & Key BCBS 239 Implementation Challenges: Preparedness and potential risks that banks face in implementing 239 guidelines. Pilot Run: Results highlighting the SIB preparedness in implementing BCBS 239 by the given deadline Download this insightful whitepaper that brings you the ways to prepare for BCBS 239 compliance, challenges in effective Risk Data Aggregation and Risk Reporting (RDARR) capabilities.

Industry-First Data Protection Software For Distributed and Cloud Databases

White Paper: Datos IO

To handle the data protection requirements of this new generation of real-time applications, enterprises are increasingly turning to data protection software for distributed and cloud databases. Data protection software provides automated, scalable, consistent and reliable recovery for big data and cloud environments. What are the new data protection requirements for cloud database security? How this fundamental shift raises the critical issues in the lifecycle of data management? This informative whitepaper brings you the key benefits of using Data Protection software: Scalable Versioning Reliable Recovery Semantic De-duplication Scale-out Software In this whitepaper, we will review different challenges for data storage security and privacy protection in the cloud computing environment. 

The New Imperative: Securing Enterprise Content

White Paper: Accellion

How do you secure the enterprise content management process? Files stored on the Enterprise Content Management (ECM) platforms are not easily accessible by users from outside of the office as ECM platforms typically require a VPN, and a public cloud solution. Making this content accessible to users across devices presents challenges for most enterprise organizations. IT departments need a solution to make ECM and cloud storage available securely to users, no matter where or when the work is being done. When developing an enterprise content management system, you should firstly have to focus on its security. This whitepaper briefs about the requirements to provide secure access to ECM platforms and cloud storage services, and how to best enable productivity for the workforce. • Is your organization able to provide secure access to all your stored enterprise content from any device? • Is protecting and managing sensitive content the top priority for your enterprise content management systems? • How Well Does Your Enterprise Content Management System Protect Sensitive Information? Read this white paper to learn about securing enterprise content within your organization.

Best Practices for Managing ESI on Mobile Devices

White Paper: NightOwl Discovery

Managing electronically stored information on mobile devices is becoming critical for organizations as employees routinely use their personal mobile devices to work either during or after their official workday that may ultimately prove to be discoverable evidence in an event of litigation. To avoid any such issue, it is important to know: Where is ESI located within the organization and what are the implications of this electronically stored information? How to Identifying the information that is most relevant for litigation needs? What are the important aspects of electronic data and how it should be managed? Organizations face a number of challenges in reviewing the mobile ESI at the time when it matters the most, so companies should have a plan in place before any litigation arises that can allow them to both identify and preserve potentially relevant mobile ESI. Download this informative whitepaper to learn more about the best practices to manage ESI on mobile device that includes: • Managing Mobile ESI: What it is, and what it means for your company. • Discovery and evaluation of potentially relevant ESI from mobile devices • Maintaining Control: Corporate Policies that govern private mobile device use. • Identification and Collection: Accessing ESI from mobile device.

Mobile Procurement Evaluation Guide

White Paper: Vroozi

Mobile procurement represents a solution for organizations of all sizes and across all industries to better manage their spending environment anywhere, at any time, from any device So it critical to know which evaluation criteria your organization should look for. To determine that evaluation criteria few questions every company must ask before deciding to implement mobile procurement, including: How secure is your company data on mobile devices? Does the application work on all devices? How well does the application leverage the devices? This Mobile Procurement Evaluation Guide is aimed at procurement and IT organizations in the process of developing a mobile strategy and selecting a procurement platform that can give their increasing mobile workforce continuous productivity. In this guide, you will learn the thought process behind: • Evaluating Mobile Procurement the right way to add value. • Choosing the applications that best fit your organization. • Leveraging Mobile Procurement the best way possible, to suit your company’s needs.

A New Approach to Security & Compliance for Healthcare

White Paper: NopSec

Security and Compliance has now become vital components for healthcare industry as it is in the midst of a perfect storm of change driven by healthcare security trends. To verify the deployment and ongoing maintenance of healthcare security and processes, security audits are mandatory for the healthcare industry. Download this whitepaper to know more about how the healthcare organizations are evaluating security efforts and adhering to healthcare security compliance regulations. Gain insight on: Current cyber security threat & compliance landscape for healthcare industry Avoiding greatest vulnerabilities of healthcare data security while adhering to healthcare security compliance regulations Complying with healthcare regulations while driving business forward What can be done to keep a healthcare organization safe from security threats? Addressing Security for compliance in healthcare industry Read this whitepaper that describes how smaller healthcare organizations can reach the healthcare security and compliance objectives by gaining a deeper understanding of the cyber security regulatory landscape.

Access Governance Made Simple

White Paper: STEALTHbits Technologies

Data access governance forces companies to look internally and figure out the quintessential building blocks that may have gone unturned for a long, long time. Access governance across File Systems is now achievable, and it should be expected that each and every company achieve it. This insightful paper shows the steps to implement the ideal model of gaining visibility, zero impact migration and ongoing governance to mitigate the data access governance issue of your organization. This technical whitepaper on ‘’The Need for Data Access Governance’’ mainly focuses on the below three points to solve the problems in data access governance  : •To make data access governance simpler get open shares under control •Gain a complete and accurate understanding of how file system access is configured in your current data access governance model. •Integration of unstructured data management with Identity and Access Management (IAM) systems to alleviate the data access governance issue Download this whitepaper that describes an approach to implement a self-sustaining access governance system that will provide complete control over data access and a methodology to adopt this system with zero impact on business operations.

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